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Avaya 1120e/1140e/1150e IP Phone SSH Access


1146283_66136726I was recently testing the built-in UNIStim VPN Client (UVC) on the Avaya 1120e IP phone and needed to access the SSH console of the IP phone to check the status of the VPN connection to the Nortel VPN Router. I thought I’d take a few seconds to document for anyone that might be interested. You obviously need to be running firmware 0623C7F, 0624C7F, 0625C7F or 0627C7F (or later) for IP Phone 1110, 1120E, 1140E or 1150E respectively.

You can enable the SSH console by the following commands;

  1. Press the Services key twice in quick succession
  2. Select Local Diagnostics
  3. Select Advanced Diag Tools
  4. Place a checkmark in the box labeled Enable SSH
  5. Set the UserID
  6. Set the Password
  7. Apply the settings

There is no reboot required to enable the SSH console. Here’s a quick example of the help command;

[root@centos ~]# ssh -l admin
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 09:14:95:11:c2:e6:d7:93:98:2c:4e:ce:e4:2c:64:cc.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
admin@'s password:

Welcome to Nortel problem determination tool.

You are connected to IP Phone 1120E.
HW version:18001365FF5E4FFFFF
FW version 0625C7F

Type "pdtHelp" for list of available commands.
Bluetooth address 00140D01635B

Type "pdtHelp" for list of available commands.
Type "bye" to exit current shell.

PDT> pdtHelp

pdtHelp                                      Print PDT shell help
setLogLevel           <loglevel>             Set LogLevel, Critical:1, Major:2, Minor:3, Warning:4, Info:5
setRecoveryLevel      <recovery level>       Set RecoveryLevel, Critical:1, Major:2, Minor:3
setAutoRecoveryFlag   <flag>                 Set auto recovery flag, turn on:1, turn off:0
printLogLevel                                Print current logLevel, Critical:1, Major:2, Minor:3, Warning: 4, Info:5
printRecoveryLevel                           Print current recoveryLevel, Critical:1, Major:2, Minor:3
printAutoRecoveryFlag                        Print auto recovery flag
printUptime                                  Print set uptime
printLogFile          [severity level]       Print log files; Args - Critical:1, Major:2, Minor:3, Warning:4, Info:5
clearLogFile                                 Clear content of error log file
taskMonShow                                  Show task monitor list
taskMonAddTask        <taskName | task id>   Add a task to task minitor
taskMonRemoveTask     <taskName | task id>   Remove a task from task monitor
setCpuSamplingPeriod  <value>                Set CPU sampling period, range: 180-360s, step 10s
i                                            Print all task Info
ti                    <taskName | task id>   Complete info on TCB for task
tt                    <taskName | task id>   Task Trace
memShow               [level]                Show system memory partition blocks and statistics
checkStack            <taskName | task id>   Print a task's stack usage
ls                    [dirname] [-f]         List contents of directory, -f: include details
lsr                   [dirname]              Recursive list of directory contents
cd                    [dirname]              Set current working path
usbFsShow                                    Display MSDOS volume configuration data of USB memory stick
usbls                 [dirname] [-f]         List contents of USB directory, -f: include details
usblsr                [dirname]              Recursive list of USB directory contents
usbcd                 [dirname]              Set current USB working path
pwd                                          print the current default directory
ping                  <host ip> [# of pings] Test that a remote host is reachable
tracert               <host ip> [max hops]   traceroute to any host
netinfo                                      Print common network info
routeshow                                    Display host and network routing tables and stats
arpShow                                      Display entries in the system ARP table
listcerts                                    List all trusted certificates
printcert             <index>                Print a trusted certificate in detail
listcrls                                     Prints a detailed list of CRLs
listdevcerts                                 Prints all device certificates
listsecuritylogs                             Lists all events logged through the security interface
securitypolicy                               Prints the current Security Policy values
gxasinfo                                     Lists the GXAS configuration and current status
reportWidgetData                             shows widgets info
reportWindowData                             shows windows hierarchy
turnOnScreenScrape                           turn Screen Scrape feature on
turnOffScreenScrape                          turn Screen Scrape feature off
setScreenScrapeDelay  <delay>                set delay in ms for the Screen Scrape process
sendKey               <code> <state>         Emulate key with a code "code". State 0/1/2 = Key Down Message/Key Up Message/Key combination down followed by up.
showVPNStatistics                            Show VPN Statistics
showVPNStatus                                Show VPN Status
showVPNFilter                                Show VPN Filter
setVPNLogLevel        <loglevel>             Set VPN Log Level - 0:turn off log/1:log info/2:log info,error/3:log error,debug,info
printVPNLogLevel                             Print current VPN logLevel - 0:turn off log/1:log info/2:log info,error/3:log error,debug,info
showFIPSStatus                               Show FIPS Status
setVPNNatKeepaliveIntervalOverride <interval>             Set VPN NAT Keepalive Interval Override
scrShow                                      Show SCR Status
printSetInfo                                 Print HardwareID, FirmwareID and MAC address
vxshell                                      Switch to vxShell
bye                                          Exit current shell

I don’t know that I would advise someone to enable this feature on every IP phone they deploy but it can certainly be helpful if enabled when needed during troubleshooting.


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